In memoriam

Friends who left us in 2023


Peter Searle

Peter, who died in December 2023, was a local resident who had been a member of the Club on several occasions in the past and was still bowling indoors at the time of his passing.

He was a great family man and in his long life he had enjoyed various sports and had been a keen dancer. He used to enjoy dropping into the Club, watching the bowling and having a chat. Our thoughts are with his family.



Richard Cosstick

Though Richard had been unwell for some time he bore his infirmity with dignity and humour and his passing still came as a shock.

With all his other interests he had been a key member of the gardening team and always enjoyed his hard-earned tea and biscuits at half time. It was always entertaining to chat to him about times past and at Potters he was a most convivial dining companion.

David Woodruff writes:

Richard was born on 2 February 1940 the eldest of his two sisters and five brothers. He married Jeanette in 1965 and they had a son Stephen and daughter Michelle. He was a great family man and enjoyed socialising with all family members.

After a few earlier jobs he then worked for Thames Water until his retirement. He used to walk and check the Reservoirs which he really loved. He enjoyed fly fishing, bowling and their many holidays in the UK and abroad. Richard was very friendly, jovial and well liked by all who knew him.



Friends who left us in 2022


Nora Sparkes

Nora (short for Leonora) had been married to the late Denis Sparkes.

They were both very good Club bowlers and Nora was the Ladies Captain in 1989-90 and also in 1999-2000.

She was the Middlesex delegate before Dot took over and played in Middlesex competitions. She was a founder member of the Egham Indoor club.



Michael Wooden.


Derek Clark

The sudden illness and death of Derek Clark shocked and saddened us all.

Derek was a loyal and hard-working member of the club as Hon. Secretary and member of the Social Sub-Committee. He joined the club in 2015.

His daughter Laura gave us some insights into his background. He had worked for London Transport all his life and received awards for his involvement in many large projects.  In his leisure time Derek had been a yachtsman, and keen guitarist and ballroom dancer. He was very competitive and was also a rugby player, referee and later assessor, and had also played cricket. Latterly he had embraced bowling but had been unable to play recently because of back problems. It is a great shame that he was not able to return to the green following his operations.

The funeral was on the 24th January 2022 and attended by a number of club members. Our thoughts are with his children and their families.


We also heard of the death of Neil Chapman. Neil enjoyed a brief social membership in early 2020 but then Covid intervened.  This year he had been planning to bowl outdoors but was prevented by ill-health. The funeral was held on 10th February 2022.

Our thoughts are with his family.


Friends who left us in 2021


Arthur Billins

We report with great sorrow that Arthur Billins passed away at the end of August.

He joined the club with his wife Jane only a few years ago but was a popular and always cheerful figure who enjoyed his bowling. 

He had had a long career in the Fire Service and had a strong bowling arm. He could always be relied upon to put a bowl up a rink!

Our thoughts are with Jane and family at this sad time.



Alan Little

Alan, who passed away recently aged 86, was a long-standing member of the club, enjoying bowling outdoors as well as playing indoors and short mat in the winter season.

Alan had a long and varied career including time in the Merchant Navy and at British Airways. 

He had been a keen cricketer and brought the same enthusiasm to bowling, always encouraging new bowlers.  Not a man for half measures, he threw himself into all the club activities and was also a hard-working member of the gardening club.  A dependable club member and a good friend to many, he will be sorely missed.

Alan's health had troubled him on and off for a few years but earlier this year he became seriously unwell and after a stay in hospital was admitted to Ashford Care Home where he died. 

The funeral took place at Ashford Burial Ground on the 18th August and was well attended by Alan's family and friends including many from the Club.

He was buried alongside his wife Doreen.



Friends who left us in 2020


Barbara England

We report with sorrow the death of another long-standing member of the club.

Barbara was a member of our club for a number of years and particularly enjoyed playing short mat.

She had been ill for some time.

The funeral took place on the 17th September.




David Coller

We have learned with sadness that David Coller has passed away after suffering from ill health for some time.

He was a member of Staines for many years though he and his wife Christine had been at Chertsey Bowls for the last few years.
He also played at Egham during the winter season and this year in particular was on devastating form until the season was cut short by Covid19.

David was very well-liked and respected by those who knew him and will be sorely missed. Our thoughts go out to Christine at this sad time.




Nick Masters

We are sorry to have to report that Nick Masters has passed away after a long battle against cancer.

John Hay, President and Club Captain, writes:

On the passing of Nick Masters.

Nick joined the club in 2003 and almost immediately was involved in all the club’s activities. He played lots of games for the club, joined the Monday league, played in all the competitions in the club and went on to compete in the Middlesex competitions. He proved to be a very good bowler and an asset to the club. He introduced his son David and daughter Emma to the club, and they both joined in all the club’s activities also. The whole family were a great asset to the club. David won the championship in 2007 and Nick won it the following year. Nick was Vice Captain from 2007 to 2011. Unfortunately for the club, he moved to Godalming with Annette and we lost the assets of all three of the Masters. Nick kept in touch with the club, and the Masters came and played in my President’s Day and Nick gave a splendid speech afterwards.

Everyone who knew Nick will have great memories of him and his two children.

Our sympathies go to Annette, Emma and David at this very sad time.

R I P Nick




Brian Heather

We learned with great sadness that club member Brian Heather passed away suddenly in early February. Our deepest sympathies are with his wife, Angela, and their family.
We understand that the funeral took place on the 3rd of April. It is hoped that a suitable tribute to Brian can be arranged later in the year.



Gordon Simpson

We report with great sorrow that Gordon has passed away after a long battle against cancer.
He was a member of our club for many years and really enjoyed his bowling although he was unable to bowl for the last few years due to his illness.
Our thoughts are with Dorothy and his family at this sad time.


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