2019 was our Centenary year! This page records some of the events and special matches from that season, with links to pictures and more information where available.
The green was opened officially by our MP, Kwasi Kwarteng, on 23rd April 2019. Click below to read about it and see the pictures.
The evening was deemed a huge
success by the K2 participants,
many of whom showed great
promise! At the end of the evening Gordon Prince expressed
thanks for the wonderful hospitality and wished the club well
as it continues to celebrate its
Centenary Year in its beautiful
location in Staines Park.
Report and pictures courtesy of Chris Gardam... click on the picture at the right to see more!
The open days were well attended with some 25 people showing up over the Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon sessions to receive an introduction to bowls and to the club, initial coaching and bowls practice.
The prospective bowlers were helped by a good turnout of club members. Some promising players were identified - hopefully they will come back and develop their early potential!
A delicious two-course meal was provided courtesy of Cynthia (and helpers)
FOEB kindly presented us with a memento of the occasion
The Ladies went into their game with a respectable lead and won their match by a total of 86 shots to 60 - well done to them! They win the Simes Cup (above).
The Men's match was closer than the Ladies' match... The Men started with a single shot advantage, and a hard-fought game ensued. By the end the score on aggregate was level. On the last rink, in the last end, Staines were holding 1 shot, until with the final wood of the match Sunningdale gained 2 shots to win! The final score on aggregate was 149-151 to Sunningdale.
Sunningdale win the Cattley Cup (above). We look forward to some equally spirited matches next year...
This was a day for Dot! Her invited guests were treated to lunch, a spider, an afternoon's bowling, and tea afterwards!
We seized another opportunity to celebrate our centenary with a visit by Bowls England! On a somewhat muggy and overcast day we welcomed our visitors with a buffet lunch, a spider, six rinks of bowling and a splendid tea to finish.
The success of the day was a tribute to the hard work of all those who prepared the club for the visit, in particular the expert catering team of Cynthia, Rita and Jean.
Staines took an early lead by winning the spider, though in the actual match the 'superior firepower' of our visitors carried the day for them...
After a buffet lunch for the guests and introductions on the green, proceedings started with the customary spider before play began in earnest.
The aim of the match was to raise money for charity, and involved a full
day for all our volunteers! The county ladies were in charge of the catering, but required full time help from Rita Moore, Moira Matthews and others. Thanks too to Chris Gardam for the pictures.
Dot with Jacquie Elkin, Middlesex Ladies Secretary and Liz Dutton, Match Secretary.
The Spelthorne Trophy is played as a triangular involving the bowling clubs of Staines, Stanwell and Bishop Duppas.
On a cloudy but dry and mild day the three sides played three sessions of:
men's singles, ladies singles, mixed pairs, men's pairs, triples and fours (or rinks). Two points are scored for a win and one for a tie in these games, and the points aggregated over the three sessions.
After the first session Bishop Duppas were leading by one point from Staines, after the second session this position had reversed itself. However at the end Bishop Duppas had gained the lead again and finished the winners by three points, with Staines second and Stanwell third with 5 points.
The Trophy was presented to Isabel Morton, President of Bishop Duppas Bowls Club, by Eric Moore, Captain of Staines Bowling Club.
Thanks to Joyce Marshall for additional pictures.
On a bright and sunny afternoon Club President John Hay held his President's Day with invited guests playing a mixed rinks game. A charity spider was won by John Smith, and the very enjoyable match was followed by an excellent tea from the expert team of Cynthia, Jean and helpers..
Maisie Hale
75 points
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